What does it feel like to fight for nothing?
Sunday, September 9, 2012 @ 9:49 AM | 0 notes

fig. 1 - something that I find hard to obtain

It has been a while since my last post here. A lot has happened. The last guy that I was moaning about? Eh-- we'll never know what he really feels. All I know is that he's been cold towards me.

Because I have no time to build up, I decided to finally get a new boyfriend last August 30th. It's the most impulsive thing that I did. This dude, I've known him since Freshman year of high school and for some odd reason, we never really fell out of touch (mostly because of his efforts). It's really hard to explain.

I can feel a lot of things for him. However, I find it difficult to be in another relationship when all the past ones just gave me TONS of trauma and heartbreak. This one, he's my chance for a clean slate. But he's also making it difficult because I'm assuming that he hasn't had a really, really serious relationship EVER.

Ah, punyeta. I lost track of my thoughts :/