The unexpected farewell.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 @ 4:17 AM | 0 notes

The main reason why I haven't been properly blogging during the past couple of weeks was because of my lovely uncle. He succumbed to a plethora of illnesses and complications brought on by the constant stress and other problems in his young life. He was only 32. And it's the most painful thing I've experienced in my life so far.

He was confined to his bed (his room is right beside mine) since the start of April, and by the start of May, he was rushed to the hospital. I didn't visit him until about a week after his confinement. I expected it to be normal, maybe even a bit cold -- seeing that we didn't get to talk much since the year started. He bawled. He told me everything. Now, I rarely cry but seeing him like that broke me. I always knew him as this strong, unemotional person. In a way, I tried to emulate his ways since childhood. 

This uncle of mine never married, then again, he is gay and he loved my grandmother dearly. He treated me, my sister and my cousins as if we're his own. He spoiled us even. Whenever he gets mad, we start trembling. He told me about how I was his first baby and how fond he was of me because I was such a quiet baby and I always stayed in one place. 

I won't go into further detail about the things that he talked about during that time since it's a tad bit personal and I'm starting to cry again. Anyway, he passed away May 19th, 2012 at around 7:55AM. It killed a part of me. But then, I realized that in a way, it's better that he passed on rather than he continued to suffer an immense amount of pain. In his own words, he was "already wasting away and having people see this state I'm in will only bring more pain onto me."Nonetheless, we all knew he fought so hard to extend his life even just for a few more hours so he can say farewell to everyone.

He wouldn't want me to continue on mourning, anyway. I'll make sure the next blog post I make will be about something lighter. Until the next one!

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