Wednesday, May 30, 2012 @ 7:54 AM | 0 notes

I think I owe you a lot of love. It's not the other way around, as I see it. Your eyes don't show any emotion, you're good at that. And I'm weak when it comes to you. That's your power.

Everything that came out of your mouth, I ignored. Then again, that was the early stages of our so-called "relationship" and I didn't want anything to do with a future politician, or whatever the hell it is that you people do after university. I was far too keen on marrying someone who didn't want a normal job. I was too adventurous for my social status.

And then that dream happened. That fucking dream. It was too realistic and it made my mind hold onto something that ungraspable. It was like holding sand in my hands. No matter how hard I try to hold onto it, it just slips away. 

Let's try this. Again. From the top.